When we pray, oftentimes the best thing for which to pray is wisdom. Wisdom never fails us.
1 Kings 3:9 9

So give Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”

God asked Solomon what he wanted (1 Kings 3:5) and Solomon asked God for wisdom. Solomon did not ask for riches or length of years. He did not ask for any material gain. What Solomon did ask for was an understanding heart with which to discern good and evil. And God rewarded Solomon with far more than he requested. God not only gave Solomon wisdom, but God gave him that for which he did not ask. God granted him both riches and honour. You
see, when we ask for things according to God’s will and selflessly, God often grants us more than we request. This is not a promise of great wealth or length of years. But it is a principle of prayer. When we make our requests before God it must be according to His will not ours. And when we ask in this way, we will often be granted more than we request.


Solomon could have asked for anything, but he asked for wisdom. In this we can learn a lesson. We do not need to necessarily ask for material things. God already knows what we need (Matthew 6:8). The point is we need to ask according to His will. Solomon asked for wisdom and God provided for his other needs. And God provided more than Solomon would have likely requested. Our God is ready to meet and even exceed our needs if we will submit to
Him and follow His will. None of this is a guarantee of material wealth or an easy life. Throughout the Old Testament, God’s chosen were persecuted and suffered loss. David was pursued by people who wanted to kill him. Job lost everything that defined him from a worldly perspective. In the New Testament, the apostles were treated harshly when they took a stand for God and His word. But in every situation, God met His followers where they were and provided for their needs. He will provide for you too. What we all need is God’s wisdom to navigate this world.


God, thank You for the wisdom that You offer us when we ask. Help me to always pray according to Your will and not mine.