We believe:
- The Bible in the original manuscripts is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and is our sole authority for doctrine and practice.
- The Godhead exists and consists of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- The Son, Jesus Christ, was and is eternally God: one with the Father and the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit exists as a personality in His own right, and was and is eternally God
- In the beginning, God in His Trinity created all things and for His pleasure all things exist
- In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sinned against God and by their sin brought death and misery into this world. All people are now born in that state of rebellion against God.
- The Son, Jesus Christ, was born into this world becoming truly human yet remaining truly God.
- The death of Jesus upon the cross was to effect the redemption of a person from sin. That death was real, and he was buried in a tomb. Salvation from the penalty and power of sin is obtainable only through that death and resurrection.
- Jesus rose from the dead, body, soul and spirit, and now lives for evermore as Lord of the living and the dead.
- Because of the substitutionary power of that death and resurrection, the Gospel is to be preached to every person, calling all to repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.
- Those believing in Jesus Christ as Lord are called to a life of good works.
- Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are two ordinances of the church. Baptism is that of believers only and is by immersion. The Lord’s Supper is commemorated by believers by the breaking of bread, emblem of Christ’s body, and the drinking of wine, emblem of Christ’s shed blood, until His second coming.
- Jesus Christ will come again physically to gather His own to himself, to live with Him in a state of eternal bliss.
- Believers look for the resurrection of the body, when such body shall bear the characteristics displayed in their risen Lord
- After the return of Jesus Christ for His own, he will judge the living and the dead.
- There is a hell to be shunned, and which will be the eternal existing place of those who refuse the Gospel of our Lord.